
This project addresses the seismic hazard, the vulnerability it poses to old masonry structures (especially to Pombalino buildings) and possible retrofitting solutions.

A main concern will be the development of fragility curves based on the definition of classes of constructions for Lisbon´s old masonry buildings. The development of such curves is essential as input for any loss estimation model currently being developed for the site. For such aim, analytical models will be developed of the representative construction of each class based on state of the art modelling approaches appropriate for masonry structures. Non-linear behaviour of masonry will be taken into account by running both non-linear static and dynamic analyses.

Experimental testing on relevant structural elements is also proposed given the relatively scarce knowledge and data existing on the seismic behaviour of the typical masonry constructions existing in Lisbon. Wall and pier specimens will be tested under static cyclic and monotonic horizontal loading, the obtained results will enable structural characterization of the specimens, the identification of expected failure modes and the calibration of the developed analytical models. Furthermore, retrofitting schemes will be discussed with the most interesting ones being incorporated into the analytical models.

The project is counting with the advice of known national and international experts on the field of earthquake engineering: Sergio Lagomarsino (from Genoa University), Andreas Kappos (from Aristotle Technical University of Tessaloniki), Carlos Sousa Oliveira (from IST) and Artur Vieira Pinto (from JRC and with a background on experimental activities).


Latest News

22/05/2013 - Training Course

10/10/2011 - Seminar

09/09/2011 - Research Grant

Projeto da Unidade de Investigação UIDB/ECI/04625/2020.



Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional